Do you want to feel happier?
Check out the course "Create Your Blueprint" 
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Yes! I'm ready to be happy, have more energy, and feel fulfilled!

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* How to be in control when I'm stressed
* How to define what's important for me
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P.S. - Every minute you wait to get "Create your blueprint " is another minute you'll continue living the same way you do now. Put the power of "Create your blueprint " to work for you so you can quickly and easily be happy, have more energy, and feel fulfilled!

P.P.S. - But don't just take my word for it... take a look at the testimonials 
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About Anne

My name is Anne. 
I'm 44 years old, I live in Norway and
I am the happy mother of Julia, Maria and Kristian. 
When my children were young, I sometimes felt very confused and a 
little lost in raising them. 
I could get annoyed and strict without really having a reason to, and sometimes I felt very tired. I could get frustrated, and I sometimes 
thought I was not a good enough mother. 
Before I had children, I had decided that 
there were some things my parents had done 
that I should not do. But when things got 
tough and I was stressed, 
I did it anyway. Eventually, I realised more 
about why I did it, 
and I learned ways to change it.

Today I am happy, calm and have more energy than before, and that is because I changed my blueprint for how I should be a good mother and what it means. I have created a course which will show you the same thing.


"I couldn’t help but feel that I was in a very safe and warm place when Anne was talking. I just felt that I was in the right place at the right time with the right person and I just want to say that you can trust Anne completely. 
She knows what she’s doing, she is absolutely fantastic and an amazing human being. You can't go wrong." 
"I would recommend Anne to any parent, mother or father who wants to create a loving environment in their families. Learn from this strong woman, from her experience and from her wisdom. I consider this type of education as one of the strongest pillars a child-parent relationship can have. Her soul is beautiful and her love for children and for the world in general is so pure. She has a genuine desire to help , make families better, see less suffering in the world and she expresses it though everything she does and says. She is a professional in her area and has many years of experience behind. I truly believe that her expertise would bring a huge advantage to anyone working with her."
"Are you looking for a teacher with heart? Are you looking for a leader that can make your life far, far better than it is today? I have had the good fortune of learning with Anne, training with her and I can tell you that she is a leader with heart and when she says something she means it. And the fact that you’ve reached this far means that your life is about to change. So take this moment, step up and follow her, because your life is really going to change for the better."
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"Anne is a really good person that truly care about others. She has a lot of knowledge and experience, and has really helped me in my communication with my children. 
She is always there to help, and whenever I need her, she is there. She always wants what is best for the children, and she knows what they need and how I can give it to them.
She also helped me to give my children what they needed as individuals. Her tips, techniques and tools are very effective, and I recommend her from the bottom of my heart.
Working with her has transformed my life."
"Anne is a very good leader. I was working with her for years, and both the children and the staff loved her. She has the ability to make everyone feel significant and valuable, and she is the kind of leader that makes those around her bloom. She is "one of us" in the sense that she has tried most things, and she is not afraid to admit her failures. 
Everything is a learning process to her, and she made me feel so much better when there was something I didn't manage. I got the courage to be authentic and to never give up, and I knew that I was good enough. 
Working with Anne means that you will be lifted up, you will be treated as equally worthy and valuable, and you will be seen, heard and taken seriously."

"I've known Anne both personally and professionally. Anne is very knowledgeable and passionate about helping other parents to have better relationships and communication with their children. Anne helps parents to be better at parenting. I don't have my own kids but THANKS to Anne I now communicate better with my nieces and nephews!

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